Certainly everyone who lives in New Mexico has heard of the Taos Hum, though few have actually heard the hum itself. I have lived in Taos for a number of years, and have never heard it, but many who have, say that it can be felt, as much as heard.
The hum is described as a low-frequency buzz that is a constant annoyance to those who are able to hear it. The phenomenon of the Taos Hum attracted media attention several years ago, bringing scientists from the state's national laboratories and several universities to Taos to measure everything from seismic and electro-magnetic vibrations to the sensitivity of the human ear.
While theories about the source of the Taos Hum range from seismic activity (which can be heard due to the thinness of the earth's crust in this area) to secret military installations. No difinitive answer has been found. ~Aimee